Containerised Hot Water Boiler Rooms

A containerised boiler room is a transportable source of hot water for heating and technological purposes. It is adapted for hot water supplies to be used for heating buildings with potential heating of hot utility water. It is of special advantage in situations requiring the construction of a thermal source in a short time. The boiler room installation requires minimum space and minimum site preparation, minimum electrical installations and system of measuring and control. The boiler rooms are supplied with a burner for burning gaseous or liquid fuels. A standard boiler room set includes a self-supporting steel chimney.

Technical Specifications

A containerised hot water boiler room is completely fitted with machinery and electrical equipment housed in transportable containers suitable for railway transport. The installation is performed on site. The equipment includes the necessary piping, including pumps, a water treatment plant, system protection by means of an enclosed expansion vessel, the respective electrical installations of the system of measuring and control. Each boiler room type is supplied with a self-supporting steel chimney. On clients' request, the system may be supplemented with circulation pumps supplying the heat transfer liquid into the heating network with all related equipment for the preparation of hot utility water. The set also includes a regulative gas station.


MKJ modules with co-generating units based on gas engines or diesel generator sets, added to the containerised boiler room, serve for power generation to be supplied into the distribution network or for the boiler room operation in the case of a non-stable supply of electricity or in locations without access to the distribution network. Waste heat arising during the operation of these units can be used for hot utility water production or supplied into the heating system. The unit is supplied in a separate container of the same type.


The table below displays the basic technical data for boilers with outputs ranging up to 6 MW. Boiler rooms with outputs from 7 to 20 MW are designed individually on request, and, therefore, they are not included in the table. These boiler rooms, in their turn, are not housed in unified containerised modules, but they are transported to the operation site in pieces, in separate module containers, where they are assembled into one block.


Boiler Room Modulation


The required thermal power unit may be obtained by combining individual containerised boiler rooms of a modular system (see below).


Supply and Storage


A containerised boiler room is supplied as a unit, including a case (boiler, water treatment plant, system protection, operating heavy current wiring, system of measuring and control) and a container with a co-generating unit, including a self-supporting steel chimney. Installations for the preparation of hot utility water and a regulative gas station may be supplied on request.

Technical Parameters - Part No.1

PV Boiler Room Units PV 0,16 PV 0,25 PV 0,4 PV 0,65 PV 1 PV 1,6 PV 2,5
Rated output kW 160 250 400 650 1000 1600 2500
Maximum output kW 180 290 465 730 1150 1860 2900
Minimum output kW 50 75 120 200 300 560 870
Number of boilers 
(the second one as a 100% back-up)
ks TKU 160 
TKU 160
TKU 250 
TKU 250
TKU 400 
TKU 400
TKU 650 
TKU 650
TKU 1000 
TKU 1000
TKU 1600 
TKU 1600
TKU 2500 
TKU 2500
Maximum allowable overpressure MPa 0,6; (0,9; 1,4 ; 1,8)
Water temperature drop °C 90/70
Minimum temperature of input water °C 70
Maximum temperature of output water °C 110
Minimum water volume flow Nm3 /h 3,6 5,6 9,2 14,1 22,4 36,8 58
Boiler efficiency % 90 - 94
Combustion air temperature °C 20
Maximum fuel consumption: 
- Natural gas 
- LO
Nm3 /h 
Maximum of air for combustion (lambda=1,1) Nm3 /h 217 350 561 880 1387 2244 3498
Maximum amount of flue gases Nm3 /h 238 383 614 964 1518 2455 3828
Total electric input (SAHARA E)1 kW 23 23,5 24,5 25,5 26 41,5 45
Total electric input (SAHARA V)2 kW 12 12,5 13,5 14,5 15 19,5 20,5
Electrical wiring   3 x 380V/50Hz
Emissions 4
Natural gas - standard / low emission mg/Nm3 NOx - 160, CO - 50 / NOx - 100, CO - 50
LO mg/Nm3 NOx - 450, CO - 175, SO 2 - 1000, solid substances - 100, smoke rate < 2
Boiler Room Weight
Basic / Operating weight kg 12000 / 18000
MKJ module with co-generating unit for electricity and thermal energy generation
MKJ module3 - MKJ45 MKJ45 MKJ45 MKJ45 MKJ45 MKJ45 MKJ45
Power output per unit kW 45 45 45 45 45 45 45
Thermal output per unit kW 80,5 80,5 80,5 80,5 80,5 80,5 80,5
Technical changes are reserved
Beginning  Print table


Technical Parameters - Part No.2

PV Boiler Room Units PV 3,5 PV 4,0 PV 5,0 PV 6,0
Rated output kW 3500 4000 5000 6000
Maximum output kW 4000 5000 6250 7500
Minimum output kW 1100 1200 1500 1800
Number of boilers 
(the second one as a 100% back-up)
ks KTU3500
Maximum allowable overpressure MPa 0,6; (0,9; 1,4 ; 1,8)
Water temperature drop °C 90/70
Minimum temperature of input water °C 70
Maximum temperature of output water °C 110
Minimum water volume flow Nm3/h 81,2 92,8 116 139,2
Boiler efficiency % 90 - 94
Combustion air temperature °C 20
Maximum fuel consumption:
- Natural gas
- LO
Maximum of air for combustion (lambda=1,1) Nm3/h 4897 5597 7399 8893
Maximum amount of flue gases Nm3/h 5396 6167 8153 9799
Total electric input (SAHARA E)1 kW 52 56 59 60
Total electric input (SAHARA V)2 kW 21,5 22 - -
Electrical wiring   3 x 380V/50Hz
Emissions 4
Natural gas - standard / low emission mg/Nm3 NOx - 160, CO - 50 / NOx - 100, CO - 50
LO mg/Nm3 NOx - 450, CO - 175, SO 2 - 1000, solid substances - 100, smoke rate < 2
Boiler Room Weight
Basic / Operating weight kg 25000 / 50000
MKJ module with co-generating unit for electricity and thermal energy generation
MKJ Module3 - MKJ75 MKJ75 MKJ75 MKJ75
Power output per unit kW 75 75 75 75
Thermal output per unit kW 125 125 125 125
Technical changes are reserved

1) if the SAHARA electric heating unit is used 
2) if the SAHARA water heating unit is used 
3) added units assure the total power input of the boiler room applying the SAHARA electric heating unit
4) Emission relate to 3% of O2 in dry combustion products at t = 0°C and barometric pressure. The given emission levels may be mainained only provided that the liquid fuel contains (except for values according to CSN 656506) maximally: S < 5 000 mg/kg, N < 1 000 mg/kg, asphaltenes < 3 %. 
Boiler rooms with outputs of 7000 to 20000 kg/hour are designed individually on request. 

Containerised Hot Water Boiler Rooms PV 0,16 - 1 MW

Containerised Hot Water Boiler Rooms PV 0,16 - 1 MW

Containerised Hot Water Boiler Rooms PV 1 - 3,5 MW

Containerised Hot Water Boiler Rooms PV 1 - 3,5 MW

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