Delivery and installation of steam boiler room 0,6 t/h
Replacing the economizer OV600
MEPOL Libice
Conversion to gas of a steam boiler
Installation of the heating network with pre-insulated piping within Poděbrady Town.
MEZ Nedvědice
Rental of a temporary source of heating water, power 2MW
MILO Olomouc
Construction of a steam boiler
Delivery and installation of boiler 4 t/h, water treatment plant
Provisional steam source 4 t/h
Delivery of the steam boiler 0,6 t/h
Complete instalation of the boiler room with steam boiler 400kg/h.
Construction of a new steam boiler 1 t/h
Assembly of the boiler YGNIS
NEMOCNICE Hradec Králové (Hospital)
Steam boiler 4 t/h
Complex reconstruction of boiler, steam boiler 5 t/h, hot water boiler 2x5, 6 MW
NEMOCNICE Karviná (Hospital)
Sterile steam generator 500 kg/h
Delivery and installation of boilers 1,5 t/h
Installation of a new boiler 8t/h
Delivery of waste heat boiler
NEMOCNICE Prachatice (Hospital)
Construction of water treatment plant
NEMOCNICE Praha (Hospital)
Piping reconstruction
Piping reconstruction of pressure unit BK6, reconstruction of water treatment, installation of BoB Gestra 3 steam boilers
Installation of the boiler 2 t/h
Complex reconstruction of steam boiler room and hot water boiler
Delivery of steam boiler 4 t/h + feed tank
Installation of new steam boilers 2x 4 t/h
NOVOPOL Velký Trebešov
Water heaters for boiler 2 t/h
Reconstruction of boiler 6 t/h
Construction of a new boiler room 2x 1,5 t/h
Gas connection, construction of a steam boiler 1x2 t/h and 1x4 t/h
Replacing the boiler 6 t/h for 8 t/h
Delivery and installation of boiler 600 kg/h, power tank degasser
PIVOVAR Krušovice (Brewery)
Reconstruction of the control system AB
Installation of a new water treatment plant, installation of a new boiler 12 t/h, boiler piping renovation 8 t/h
Supply and installation of a new boiler 14 t/h
Supply and installation of equipment for the collection and use of biogas
Supply of boiler economizer
Delivery and installation of a new boiler 14 t/h
Delivery and installation of the boiler economizer for OB 16
Instalation of the steam boiler room and delivery of the steam boiler KU 8000, 8t/h
Installation ot the ekonomizer and accumulator for waste heat from brewhouse.
PIVOVAR Šumperk (Brewery)
Reconstruction of steam boiler room
Gas connection for EKOCEM and Building Insulation
Automatization of demineralization water treatment plant 2x8O m3/h
Delivery of the boiler
POLYMEX Čakovičky
Construction of a new steam boiler room 2 t / h steam accumulator
Seven accumulation tanks 180-850m3
Electric-heating boiler for thermo-oil 180kW
I. and II. phase - reconstruction of OKP boilers, water treatment and M+R, III - extension of power, boiler installed capacity of 112 MW
Delivery and installation of the boiler room technology with steam output 1 t/h.
PROMIL Nový Bydžov
Reconstruction of boiler BK10 from gas to oil + oil management
Storage tanks 15 m3 H2SO4 1x, 2x 15 m3 with preheating
Storage tanks 1x 20m3, 1 x 20 m3 heated with insulation, 1x 8 m3
Storage tank for H2SO4 with preheating
Storage tank 25 m3 H2SO4
Construction of a new boiler room 6 t/h
Adjustment of technology, supply of steam accumulator
Two fluidised bed boilers FKT 1,5 MW, operating fuel: brown coal HP2AD
Delivery of the waste heat boiler for heat from incinerator 5 t/h
Instalation of the steam boiler KU 3000, 3 t/h
RIGIPS Slovakia
Delivery of new middle-pressure steam boiler 2,5 t/h
RUPA Praha
Construction of new boiler room 0,5 t/h
three hot-water containerised boiler rooms
Four hot-water containerised boiler rooms
Hot-water containerised boiler rooms 2x0,4 MW, 2x2,5 MW, 2x 0,4 MW
Two hot-water containerised boiler rooms
Complete reconstruction of the boiler HBK 12.
Steam engine - production of electricity
SCAN LAB Český Brod
Instalation of the steam generator 500 kg/h
SEA Zlín
Steam boilers 1 t/h and 1,5 t/h
Delivery of two boilers 1 t/h
Two steam coolers
SKANSKA Chodovec Praha
Delivery of transfer stations for heat distribution
SKANSKA Nemocnice Karlovo náměstí Praha
Instalation of the heat distribution system
Balancing of the heat distribution system for cogeneration unit.
Installation of the steam boiler 300kg/h of saturated steam.
SMS Rokycany
Three utilisation boilers 0,5 – 1t/h
SMS Rokycany
Delivery of two water heaters OVS 4000
SMS Rokycany - spalovna Trmice
Steam flue gas heater PO 250
SMS Rokycany - spalovna Vyškov
Delivery of two utilisation exchangers OVS 4000
SNAHA Brtnice
Instalation of the steam boiler room technology
SODOVKÁRNA Rychnov nad Kněžnou
Steam boiler 0,5 t/h
SPALOVNA NEMOCNICE Liberec (Hospital incinerator)
Boiler for the incinerator
Construction of new steam boiler room 2 x 2 t/h + 1 t/h
Delivery of two steam boilers 0,6 t/h
Utilisation boiler SKU 3000 delivery
Two air heaters for waste heat
TEDOM Lithuania
Utilisation boiler 1,5 t/h
Utilisation boiler SKU1000
Two air heaters SKU OVZ 870 kW
Two heat exchangers SKUTN 110
Utilisation boiler 1 t/h behind the cogeneration unit Tedom
Steam boiler 3 t/h + water treatment plant
Hot-water accumulation tank 5200 m3, oil management storage tank 5000 m3
Hot-water accumulation tank 3000 m3
TEPLÁRNA Michle (Heating plant)
Demineralization water treatment plant instalation.
TEPLÁRNA Trmice (Heating plant)
Water treatment plant
Delivery of fluidized bed boiler FKT 2,5, hot water 2,5MW
Hot-water accumulation tank 880 m3
TISKÁRNA Naše vojsko Praha (Army printing house)
Hot-water boiler 1,7 MW
Instalation of the mobile heating plant 10 t/h